Latest Projects

Pairfect Desktop
Pairfect Mobile
Pairfect Logo

Matchmaking platform an authentic alternative to dating apps

Created back-end from scratch hosted on AWS, including algorithm for scoring compatible matches, messages, full profile creation and editing, integration with Stripe payments and notifications with emails. Developed an admin panel to manage users and matches for matchmakers in retool.
AWSAWS LambdaPostgreSQLPythonRetool
Full-Stack Developer (Back-end Heavy)
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GreenMediaLab Desktop
GreenMediaLab Mobile

Stunning & fast website with animations

Collaborating with another Engineer, we developed from a figma mock up a captivating, responsive and fast website for an eco-friendly agency using React.js, Next.js, GSAP and Framer-motion
Front End Developer
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canitravel desktop
canitravel mobile

Web App for the latest travel restrictions

Bootstrapped a web app helping people access the latest Covid travel restrictions. Solo-developed the entire web application used by over a million users. Implemented daily data collection and processing of travel restrictions, using API calls and regular expressions. Successfully implemented an alert system with authentication, allowing automatic email notifications to subscribers.
Next jsReact jsLaravelMySQLDockerRedisStripe
CTO & Co-Founder
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Vennity Desktop App
Vennity Mobile App
Vennity Logo

Mobile and Web app development for the "Pokemon Go" for NFTs

Worked in a team of 3 developers, collaborating on key aspects of the project. Built a form builder on the admin panel for the mobile app, enhancing customization capabilities. Led the expansion of the React Native app to support web functionality using React Native for web. Integrated GeoFencing and map capabilities using the MapBox API.
React jsReduxReact NativeReact Native for WebPython DjangoPostgreSQLCypressTypeScript
Full Stack Developer
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Xplore Nutrition Desktop
Xplore Nutrition Mobile
Xplore Nutrition Logo

Helping Personal Trainers to manage their client nutrition and workouts

Starting from an external codebase I implemented a full UI redesign, integrated real-time nutrition data updates with MyFitnessPal API and fixed plenty of bugs.
JavaScriptAngular JsLaravelMySQLStripePHP
Full Stack Developer
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